You are on the brand page «Zhigulevskoe».

"Zhigulevskoe" is a Soviet type of light beer, widely distributed in the former USSR. This type of beer is named after the Zhiguli Mountains - the heart of the Samara Luka. The Volga, skirting their rocky, forested ridges, describes almost a full circle. The legendary beer called "Zhigulevskoe" was produced by almost all factories in the country. However, it is our beer "Zhigulevskoe 1978" that is brewed exactly as in the USSR, in accordance with GOST.
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Zhigulevskoe pravilnoe
Аромат: мягкий с акцентом солода
Вкус: питкий, мягкий вкус с лёгкой горчинкой в послевкусии

- Сountry
- — Russia
- Manufacturer
- — Zhigulevskoe
- Fortress
- — 4.6%
Стиль: Лагер
Цвет: Светлое
Фильтрация: Фильтрованное
Пастеризация: Пастеризованное
Крепость 4.6%