You are on the brand page «Bochkarev».

The history of Bochkarev beer began in 1993 with the creation of the company OOO Bravo International in St. Petersburg, which began with the production of non-alcoholic beverages.
On March 20, 1999, the first batch of Bochkarev beer rolled off the plant's production line. That same year, the brand took third place in St. Petersburg in terms of beer sales and first place in terms of popularity of its brand.
2002 - the Bravo International brewery was acquired by the Dutch brewing concern Heineken.
2023 - the owner of the brand becomes OPH (United Breweries - Holding OOO).
The Bochkarev brand combines high quality that meets the strictest European standards.
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Holod i Solod
Состав: Состав Вода питьевая очищенная, солод пивоваренный ячменный светлый солод карамельный, хмелепродукты.
Аромат: легкий солодовый аромат
Вкус: Обладает экстра мягким вкусом за счет метода холодной фильтрации.

- Сountry
- — Russia
- Manufacturer
- — Bochkarev
- Fortress
- — 4.1%
- Density
- — 9.8%
Стиль: Лагер
Цвет: Светлое
Фильтрация: Фильтрованное
Пастеризация: Пастеризованное
Крепость 4.1%
Плотность 9.8%