San Vito Drinks Attends Oktoberfest 2023 in Munich with Clients and Paulaner Brewery

We are excited to announce the upcoming unique event at the end of September, where the San Vito Drinks team and our esteemed clients and brewery partner Paulaner will once again attend Oktoberfest in Munich!
Oktoberfest is the largest beer festival in the world, gathering millions of visitors from all corners of the globe every year. The festival takes place in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, and lasts for 16-18 days from late September to early October. Our company visits the festival with clients every year. Participants will enjoy a variety of beer types, and traditional Bavarian dishes, get acquainted with the culture and customs of the region, as well as attend various attractions and concerts.
The event is organized in collaboration with our partner - the Paulaner Brewery, one of the five Munich breweries allowed to participate in the famous festival. We are confident that attending Oktoberfest will be an unforgettable experience for our team and clients, strengthening mutual trust and cooperation. We look forward to spending time together, enjoying the festive atmosphere, and reinforcing our partnership.
Follow our news and be sure to share your impressions of the festival!
#SanVitoDrinks #Oktoberfest #Munich #beerfestival #Paulaner #partnership #travel