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Baron-Fuente Champagne

The drink is produced by the French wine company of the same name, founded in 1967 in the Champagne region by a married couple, Gabriel Baron and Dolores Fuente. Having survived the hardships of the Spanish Civil War, the young woman moved to France, where she met her future husband, who, out of fear of rejection, introduced himself to her as a prestigious, in his opinion, profession - a postman, embarrassed to admit that he was the son of a hereditary winegrower, whose ancestors had been growing vines since the 17th century. On the occasion of his son's wedding, his father gave Gabriel a tiny vineyard of one hectare, from which the glorious path of the house with the sonorous name "Maison Baron-Fuente" began. The first bottles of wine were created and sold directly from the cellar, and the success inspired the couple to start producing sparkling wines that have the right to be called champagne according to their place of origin.

Currently, the Baron-Fuente estate has almost forty hectares of excellent vineyards planted with traditional varieties of Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir, and the enterprise is managed by Ignace and Sophie, the children of the founders of Baron-Fuente. Champagne is produced using the classic method of secondary fermentation in sealed bottles, as opposed to mass production, when carbon dioxide is forcibly injected during bottling of the finished drink.

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